Workspace Favorites

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I supposed to clean up my workspace (yesterday), but I feel like to sit down in front of my laptop and decided to write a little post. I am gonna clean up my desk after that, promise!

I'm always wondering how my workspace looks like if I work in an office. You know, the office like cubicle one, and your desk would be full of stuffs like post-its, sharpies in different colors, magazines, and other cute things. When I was browsing to GoGirl! magazine website, I found an interesting post, they actually share about the magazine crew workspace! Some of you guys probably (already) knew that I'm always dreaming about working in magazine company, and GoGirl! is my favorite local magazine to work for. The magazine crew workspace are so TEMPTING! They really look like "a desk" that belongs to magazine office (I mean they look so colorful haha). Oh well, let's take a look some of my favorite workspace:

 The editor's desk

 The managing editor's desk

 The editor's desk

The fashion stylist's desk. I adore the colorful post-its wall! 

All pictures above are courtesy of GoGirl! Magazine website

And this is my workspace looks like right now: 

Sorry it doesn't look very nice for your eyes haha, but I am working on it. Later after I re-arrange the stuff on my desk, I will show you my workspace looks like and details on the desk! I am also thinking to move my desk to another corner because the desk right now is beside my bed. I realized it is not really 'healthy', so I am about to seperate my workspace from my 'sacred' place.

Now I am really gotta go to clean up the desk, wish me luck! Have a wonderful day and stay awesome!

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