5 Pictures of Tuesday 05

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

5 Pictures of Tuesday is back! Sorry for a real lack updates, I have some Tuesday pictures in my folder actually. I have a serious problem about internet connection at home (we still couldn't find any good provider), so I am just using my phone's internet packet. I just don't care about using too much, I am really eager to share these pictures. Beside, someone asked me to make a post about this feature again. Hey, this is for you :P

(1) Well, apparently.. there are some honey "moon" in a honey "stars" cereal pack. Good to know!

 (2) This morning, I supposed to go to the beach for running, with Mom and Jeven (my brother). Sadly, rain keeps falling down. So I did little sketch for my blog layout. And a little reading on Abby's blog. I miss reading her pretty blog!

 (3) Today is holiday and I plan to spend my time in my bed. Yeaaaaah.

(4) Peeking into my working space. I re-arranged my corkboard with some new and fresh motivations, quotes and other reminders. See the little woody thing hanging on the top of the board? It's a Christmas present from my best friend, Kina. A carved of my name and a description of itself, then a Bible verse. I love it!  

(5) Habis hujan, terbitlah terang. Yes! Thanks God, I can go the beach later!

2014 Major Goals

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Every year we make new resolutions or life goals. Making goals always be my favorite, because I just don’t like expectations. Today I am sharing my 2014 major goals, that I wish at the end of the year, I will find a difference from myself. Because new year’s resolutions is not about a “wanting list”, but a list to help us make a good change. 

1. Living in the moment. 
Time changes 24 to 7 to 365. You just don’t want to miss a thing. Don’t bother too much about future. Why don’t we just enjoy process while preparing for something big in the future? So take this challenge with me: dream now, live now, enjoy now.  

2.Think less, feel more. 
I found this perfect sentence from Mr. Rene Suhardono from his amazing book, #UltimateU2. This year, I want to learn how to feel my heart more. Sometimes our heart speaks louder. Okay no. Maybe.. our heart always speaks louder. So why don't we just follow our heart instead? 

3. Bear some life's fruits. 
Fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal 5:22-23).

4. Be grateful. Always. 
Aha, how many times I was reminded to be grateful always, always and always. I guess I don't need to explain too much about this, because I am sure you guys got it already (: 

Beside of these major goals, of course I’ve made some another goals too that I want to achieve this year, such as: write a novel, learn how to take pictures that tell story, better blogging, more cooking, improve my English (absolutely) and so much more. To help all these things come true, I also make specific goals for each month. For example: I want to write a novel. Write 150 pages of a novel doesn't like make instant ramen. I need to write at least 500 words per day, that means 1500 words per month! Remember that specific goals make me more discipline and keep me on the track. 

How about you? Maybe want to share a little bit of your goals this year? I would like to know. Happy Sunday and stay awesome!

Passion Talk: A Book About Passion and Purpose of Life

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sejak akhir tahun 2012, aku mulai dekat dengan sebuah kata, yang saat ini terdengar sangat fenomenal, yaitu passion. Sejak saat itu, aku sangat terikat dengan kata passion. Nggak cuman sekedar kata, tapi aku belajar untuk memaknai arti kata passion itu sendiri dan hidup di dalamnya. Belakangan baru sadar, aku jarang ngomong soal passion di blog. So here it is.

Bulan Mei 2013, aku bersyukur banget diberikan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan topik tentang passion dan purpose of life di gereja, saat itu di acara komsel (komunitas sel) gabungan. Setelah ngomong panjang lebar hampir satu jam lebih, aku ngerasa masih ada banyak hal penting yang nggak sempat disampaikan. Akhirnya sebuah ide muncul: Kenapa nggak menuliskannya semua dalam satu buku?

 Credit to my most talented friends (:

Banyak orang sering membicarakan topik ini, dan banyak juga artikel maupun buku-buku yang membahas tentang passion. Semua orang mempunyai versinya masing-masing tentang passion. Saat mulai nulis buku ini, aku mulai banyak belajar tentang esensi-esensi passion yang sebenarnya. Passion nggak cuman tentang sesuatu yang kita cintai, nggak cuman tentang perasaan yang melebihi emosi. How about passion of the Christ? How about our passion in God? How about to embrace our passion to live our life's purpose?

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -Ephesians 2:10

Buku ini nggak cuman ngomongin soal passion, tapi juga tentang hal-hal lain yang memang diperlukan dalam menjalani hidup, yang aku sebut dengan perjalanan yang luar biasa. Satu-satunya yang aku harapkan dari buku ini, adalah sampai di tangan anak-anak muda Tuhan yang memang saat ini lagi bingung harus “ke mana” atau yang sedang berjuang dalam hidup ini seperti yang aku alami

Nggak ada kalimat lain yang bisa mewakili perasaan aku selain ucapan terima kasih pada Tuhan Yesus yang baik banget dan yang mengijinkan aku untuk bisa (segera) menerbitkan buku ini. Dan akhirnya, impian terbesar untuk menerbitkan sebuah buku akan terwujud di awal tahun 2014 ini. 

Buat teman-teman yang udah bersedia aku repotin dalam buku Passion Talk, aku cuma bisa ngomong satu kata, terima kasih. Terima kasih banget karena udah meluangkan waktu kalian untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam mimpi aku. Mudah-mudahan (amin!) Passion Talk bisa dirilis dalam waktu dekat, paling telat mungkin awal Februari, dan aku akan memberikan info lebih lanjut bagaimana cara mendapatkannya karena buku ini nggak akan nampang di toko buku manapun. 

Passion Talk will meet you soon (:

Eat in Bali: One Fine Day at The Porch

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 has been pretty nice for four days. Bali has been raining a lot these days, but thanks God we were still doing everything good right here. 

Andreas has been here since January first. He came along with his sister's family and we were having so much fun. Two days ago before we met his sister, we decided to have breakfast together. We both can't skip breakfast, so yeah this breakfast just for the two of us (: