I am always feeling excited about weekend. I will take a break from the routine and usually I will take my family out on Sunday after church. But for today, my mom has planned to have lunch at Bebek Bengil Ubud. You might often hear about this place because Bebek Bengil is one of must go place when you are in Bali. Bebek Bengil serves you an original taste of Balinese crispy duck, if you are not a really fan of duck, they have chicken meal on the menu. But since the duck is the main course here, so let's give it a try. Oh anyway, this was my second visit already.
Eat in Bali: Sundate Today at Bebek Bengil Ubud
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Simple Homemade Iced Latte with Starbucks Via Ready Brew
Friday, September 12, 2014
Making a perfect iced coffee at home is almost impossible for me. There's no coffee press or espresso machine (I plan to buy myself a coffee press later on my upcoming birthday!). Thanks to Starbucks they make this amazing product calls "Starbucks Via Ready Brew". Basically, it is like instant coffee, but hey it is Starbucks instant coffee. You can drink Starbucks at home. That just amazing.
You only need one sachet of the via brew, I used the Colombia one (just mix it with hot water), fresh milk, and some ice cubes. Pour the milk until the glass half full (or maybe little bit more), fill it with the ice cubes (coffee ice cubes is better). Then, this is my favorite part because this is the moment when the iced latte seems perfect. Pour the coffee on top, like a macchiato, and put your straw. Voila!
You can also add more sweetener, sugar, flavored syrup or anything that will please your mouth. I would like to add some vanilla syrup but I don't have any. This plain iced latte is more than enough for me. I am gonna try another coffee recipes, because make your own iced coffee at home is really cool. Sorry for the not so photogenic coffee. I was thinking it must be the ice cubes. The ice cubes melt so fast right after I hit them with the hot coffee. I looked up this recipe later I will try once again to make my iced coffee perfect.
Good luck on making of your own. Just keeping try until find your perfect iced coffee. Stay awesome!
You can also add more sweetener, sugar, flavored syrup or anything that will please your mouth. I would like to add some vanilla syrup but I don't have any. This plain iced latte is more than enough for me. I am gonna try another coffee recipes, because make your own iced coffee at home is really cool. Sorry for the not so photogenic coffee. I was thinking it must be the ice cubes. The ice cubes melt so fast right after I hit them with the hot coffee. I looked up this recipe later I will try once again to make my iced coffee perfect.
Good luck on making of your own. Just keeping try until find your perfect iced coffee. Stay awesome!
[GIVEAWAY] Your Passion Journey
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hello hello. Nggak kerasa udah enam bulan berlalu sejak terbitnya
buku PassionTalk. Setiap baca ulang buku sendiri, rasanya aneh, seneng,
nggak percaya, semuanya campur jadi satu. Impian nerbitin buku, udah ada
sejak SMP, di mana saat itu lagi suka banget baca novel genre teenlit
dan seri Chicken Soup. Walaupun PassionTalk diterbitkan secara
self-publishing, namun aku seneng banget karena bisa menyelesaikan apa
yang aku suka. Terkadang amaze sendiri melihat bagaimana cara kerja sebuah mimpi, atau passion di hidup seseorang. Lewat menulis, aku belajar mengenal diri sendiri maupun
keadaan di sekitar. Lewat menulis juga, aku mendapatkan banyak feedback
yang bisa membangun karir menulis ke depannya. Dan lewat menulis, I found some people told me that my writings marked their heart. It's crazy I know, but I always remind myself that those all are not about me,
it's always about The Almighty One. So, buat teman-teman yang udah baca PassionTalk, terima kasih. (:
Sebelum melanjutkan buku berikutnya (yes, there will be always another book after the first one, right?), aku punya dua copies PassionTalk buat kalian yang belum baca. Cara untuk
mendapatkannya mudah. Kalian tinggal masuk ke link giveaway ini, share passion atau mimpi kalian, baik yang belum
diwujudkan maupun yang sedang "on the way". Kalian boleh bebas bercerita, tujuannya biar orang lain juga
bisa menikmati cerita kalian dan we can encourage and bless each other.
Dua tulisan terpilih, masing-masing akan mendapatkan 1 copy buku
PassionTalk plus tanda tangan penulis :D
Aku tunggu cerita kalian ya! Stay awesome and be blessed!
PS: Preview PassionTalk, bisa dilihat di link berikut ini: http://bit.ly/VlEY05
Back From The Town
Monday, September 8, 2014

(1) Meeting Andreas's family again, which is very very nice. I still can remember how I met his family for the first time, around two years ago. Man, it was so damn awkward! Thank God after some trips we have been together, now I am getting closer with all of them. And this may sounds little bit cheesy, but it is so sweet when you are getting know more about your boyfriend from his family story. Hearing what Andreas usually did when he was a kid, or how his brothers always made pranks for him (and he always tried to take revenge but failed :P). Please telling me that I am blessed having them in my life (:
(2) Finally I met up with GBI GZ friends! It has been for a long time guys, I really miss them all! Despite of not-so-good-service from the cafe we went, we had a really great time. We talked lots, we shared lots, took some selfies and we made a little earlier birthday surprise for our dear friend, Sastika! She didn't have any idea that time haha. Your birthday has passed already but I hope we made you happy!
(3) I didn't tell about my coming to anybody, including my two best girl friends, Kina and Jessica. I did a little surprise for both of them and I really did a very good job hahaha. Their "damn what are you doing here" face is sooo priceless! I am so glad we finally reunited and yeah I miss you both already.
With my two best girlfriends
Okay, this blogpost is starting like a personal diary but whatever, because this is my blog and I am happy that the fact I am sitting in front of my laptop, blogging while watching TV on Monday. I hope you guys having a great Monday too. Stay awesome!
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