"Don't you think time is walking TOO fast??
Okay, really... you're not longer a little-young-girl, Jane...
You're now officially NINETEEN!"
Kesan buat Si Sembilan Belas?
Gue hampir nggak percaya kalau umur gue saat ini sudah sembilan belas. umur yang udah di menuju ambang pintu kepala dua. Bahasa lebay menurut gue, masa remajaku akan segera hilang, deh. Semalem di chat gue ngomong kayak gitu ke salah satu teman, dia bilang, makin tua sih pasti, cuman setiap umur pasti ada kesenangannya sendiri, jadi nggak perlu sedih makin tua nggak bisa senang-senang. Gue pikir, apa yang dia bilang ada benernya juga, sih. Lagipula gue juga nggak mungkin selamanya tujuh belas atau delapan belas, kan? (;
Harapan buat Si Sembilan Belas?
Harapan, yah? Sama kayak wishes kan, yah? Emm... jujur, wishes gue sama kayak tahun lalu, nggak berubah, hahaha! Masih sekitar soal keluarga, diri sendiri dan prestasi. Yang pasti, makin tua, makin dewasa aja, deh. Kalau kata my mom, gue udah bukan anak kecil lagi yang masih harus bergantung sama orang tua. Bukan bearti sekarang gue bener-bener udah nggak bergantung sama orang tua gue, ya. Cuman maksud beliau, gue harus udah bisa cari peluang job sendiri sekarang. Minimal gue punya pengalaman kerja sebelum gue lulus kuliah nanti. Mumpung gue sekarang ada di negeri seberang, nggak ada salahnya juga buat cari tahu soal pekerjaan. Apalagi di sini channel-nya luas banget! Yahh... Gue nggak berani banyak berharap, sih... wish yang terbaik aja dari Tuhan (:
Lain-lainnya sharing foto-foto pas ulangt tahun aja kali yah. Oh iya, tahun ini spesial sih, soalnya yang ulang tahun tanggal 25 Oktober ini nggak cuman gue, tapi ada satu teman lagi namanya Michael, dia berulang tahun ke lima belas! *applause*
Foto-foto di bawah ini diambil sama si abang ganteng kita yang lagi liburan ke Guangzhou, the only one Kokoh Indra!
The birthday cake!
The birthday kids! We shared our birthday cake!
The photographer!
Best friend! (:
Tambahan lainnya:
Dua kado terbaik dari dua sahabat terbaik.
Yang satu memberikan mini pudding-cake nggak lupa dengan lilin kecil, diantar ke kamar tepat pukul 12 malam di saat gue habis berdoa! Langsung make a wish malam itu juga wohoo. Thanks my dear you are so sweet!
Thanks a BUNCH Sastika Taniady! I LOVE U FULL.
Kuenya enak banget loh, ternyata cheese cake yah!
Yang satunya lagi, my long-distance best friend wrote the whole birthday letter in her own Tumblr.
Entah sejak kapan dia jadi ramah bermain
(ternyata sotoskep itu Photoscape, yaelah!). Yah apapun itu, MAKASIH banget yah Princess Kina!
Sedih sih, lagi-lagi kita nggak bisa lewatin ulang tahun bareng ):
Tapi nggak apa-apa, aku tetap senang kita bisa melewatinya bersama di MSN semalaman sampai ngakak-ngakak, hahaha! We always do this every time gitu loh!
But anyway, here what she wrote in her blog. Nggak tau kenapa dia obsesi banget jadi princess sampe bikin cerita dongeng gini LOL
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little princess named Princess Kina. She was a very cheerful and full of joy little princess. She lived in a beautiful palace in a private island with her family. But one day, she had to move to another island and a new palace with her family because their own island was going to be attacked by another lame kingdom. So then they moved to a new and a bigger island, called island J.Princess Kina who used to be a cheerful little girl changed into a not-talk-so-much type of princess. She felt like she did not want to leave her island and her master bedroom in her ex-palace. She was so sad because she had to leave her friends on the island, the friends who always accompany her to play, sing and dance together. She was so damn sad.Until she entered her new palace, she was first so afraid with everybody new and strange to her. Especially when she knew that her parents were no longer the king and the queen of the new palace. She realized that she had to start to know everyone knew in that new palace. So, she had no idea where and when to start.Lucky that there was a Gala Dinner in the palace. Everyone was invited, including Princess Kina and her family. Ah, as usual Princess Kina, she couldn’t ask people first, or smile first. A very shy yet fabolous. (*puke*) .So, she was standing near her daddy’s feet, the suddenly, “Hi! My name is Princess Jane! What is your name?” a talkative and chic little girl who claimed herself princess talked to Princess Kina. Then, Princess Kina did not answer her, she was hiding to her daddy. Princess Kina felt insecure. But that little girl did not give up. She gave her hand asking Princess Kina to shake hand with her and then maybe to ask Princess Kina to become her friend. AH! When you are in this kind of situation, your parent must be helping you. Princess Kina’s daddy said ” Kina, introduce yourself, please! She is Princess Jane, the daughter of King John and Queen June! She is a nice friend you know. Shake your hand!”Then, they shook hand. “I am Princess Jane. What is your name? Can i be your friend?” the little girl repeated her words. “My.. my.. my name is Princess Kina. Hallo, Jane!” replied Princess Kina. Then Princess Kina’s dad said, “Princess Kina, Princess Jane is a princess also, just like you. So, therefore you still want to be called Princess Kina, you should call her Princess Jane. You got it?”. “Okay, Princess Jane.” said Princess Kina. “So, are we friends now?” asked Princess Jane.And, it was a little story about two little princess when they first started their friendship. The time flies so fast, until these two little princesses realized that they were not “a princess”. They were just two ordinary girl who likes to call themselves “Princess”. They have grown up now. They even are not living together anymore like years before. Princess Kina still lives in Island J with her family. But, Princess Jane lives in Island C right now. Her family still lives in Island J and even still building the Kingdom with Princess Kina’s parents.And today, actually, Princess Jane is celebrating her 19 years old born day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wah. I can’t believe i just mentioned that. Ah. I have no idea why does it so hard for me to say this. Maybe because Princess Kina told me that she was missing Princess Jane too much, like too much so much. She told me that she was so sad because she could not celebrate Princess Jane’s born day together due to the distance that seperating them. So, by this great time to talk, Princess Kina asked me to type this to Princess Jane, and also to Prince Yu (who is now in a relationship with Princess Jane.“Dear Princess Jane, happy born day! Wah, i could not believe that you are a 19 years old princess now. Today, i woke up and read a reminder in my cell-phone saying ‘Jane is getting older today’, and i was happy to know that yet i was so sad that we could not celebrate it together. By this message, i would like to wish you happiness and i hope that you can smile each day, even in your hardest day or your heaviest weight( you need diet!). And even though it is too hard to smile, then don’t forget to remember me or your parents or your boyfriend or your Savior! I miss you too much. And to you Prince Yu, i order you to respect Princess Jane, to be humble even though you are dating the coolest Princess on earth, to love her and to take care of her and also take care of yourself because if you are not healthy then who else will take care of her, and from now on you are also my friend! You’re so lucky, you know? And, Jane, i have a present for you. Please wait in an hour then i’ll give it directly to you, so please be ONLINE! And now, blow the candle! 1,2,3 …..
Ini dia kue dari kerajaan untuk Princess yang berulang tahun, hahaha!
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